Featured Class Note: Bill Goldman, MD ’75, BA ’72, Shares Pediatric Expertise in Tanzania

Bill Goldman, MD ’75, BA ’72, associate clinical professor of pediatrics, at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and his wife Jenny recently joined a team of volunteers on a medical mission Tanzania to help local mothers in a tiny agricultural community. The trip, Reaching Children’s Potential (RCP), was run by Global Volunteers, a nonprofit, development assistance organization in special consultative status with the United Nations.

Goldman and others worked with Tanzanian doctors as they examined patients in the clinic, and offered recommendations to improve their practice. They also presented workshops and conducted home visits for the mothers who are enrolled in the RCP program. In this area of Tanzania, up to 50 percent of children are physically and cognitively stunted – a condition that is fully preventable with simple interventions.

Goldman said his experience at the clinic has motivated him to stay engaged with the community. “What I want to do now is actually work on tests and equipment that the health clinic in Tanzania needs to have.”

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